There might be times where you don’t want Hubalz to capture an element in session recordings or in action logs. In such cases, you can add the following classes to the HTML elements and Hubalz will detect and not track these elements.

Class Explanation
hubalz-block Blocks the element from appearing in session recordings entirely. The element is replaced with a placeholder of the same size.
hubalz-ignore-input Inputs on elements with this class are ignored.
hubalz-mask-text Inputs on elements with this class are masked.

<aside> 💡 Password inputs are automatically masked.


Alternatively, you can add hubalzscript.dataset.noInputTracking = 1; to your tracking script to disable input tracking altogether. Example:

    var hubalzscript = document.createElement("script");
    hubalzscript.src = "<>";
    hubalzscript.async = 1;
    hubalzscript.dataset.apikey = < your API key >;
		hubalzscript.dataset.noInputTracking = 1;  <-------------- ADD THIS LINE

This will mask all text inputs on your website from your tracking data.